Teenage Pregnancy

Archive for November 2008

The symptoms of teenage pregnancy is the same as  the normal pregnancy.  It includes fatigue, nausea vomiting, breast enlargement, missed period, stomach cramping, increased drowsiness.

Some of the teenagers doesn’t know that they are pregnant already. Other’s knew already but because of the fears, they usually keep it with some relative and friends.

Usually gaining weight are associated with pregnancy. Some teenagers get fat while being pregnant but if vomiting are significant, some teenagers could be weight loss. To maintain healthy  feeling, teenagers should consult with gynecologist to know what was the right thing to do while being pregnant. Ultrasound and other maternal check ups should be done regularly. To reduce premature and unhealthy baby.

Some teenager who are experiencing those symptoms are advised to undergo pregnancy test to know if they are already pregnant. An early consultation with the doctor helps teenagers to adjust emotionally and physically from early pregnancy. Stress, anxiety and depression are some of the emotional effect that teenagers may experience if she was suspected as pregnant. Pregnancy at a very young age leads to severe mental and emotional trauma for her. And  Consultation is the best way to help teenagers to overcome fear and other emotional feelings.

In the United State, the rate of teenage pregnancies has been declined but it was still among the highest in the world. To prevent this kind of problem is an important public health issue. There are 750,000 women aged of 15-19 become pregnant each year. It was said that third of women teenage pregnancy had abortion, which is also one of the serious problem in our society. Many teenagers confused to know the responsibility of being parent that’s why some of them think wrong and end up with abortion. a

Sexually Transmitted Disease is also another implication that was related to teenage pregnancy. Statistic study that 18.9 million new cases of STD or Sexually transmitted Disease are among teens with aged of 15-24 years old. There are also studies that 30-40% of sexually active teenage girls in high risk groups are infected.

Family Implications is also another problem related to teenage pregnancy. Most young fathers are afraid to handle the responsibility of being a father, that’s why most of them obey all the responsibility with their former partners.

What I mentioned above is only half of most implications that I’ve researched in such different findings.
